ANA SOUVENIR 2012 Announcement

ANaTexas LogoNamaste and Greetings from ANA SOUVENIR Editorial Team.

We are happy to announce that the ANA Editorial Team is working on the next issue of SOUVENIR for 2012.

At this moment, we are soliciting short stories, articles, essays, poems in Nepali and English in about 1000 words from interested writers. Please email your typed submissions to [email protected] by Thursday, May 31, 2012. There is no theme for writing but preferences will be given to the ones that touch bases with ANA – ANA Conventions or revolves around the Nepali lifestyle in the US or abroad.

SOUVENIR 2012 will have multiple pages dedicated to the memories of ANA conventions since 1983 under “ANA Flashbacks”. If you have any cherished pictures from any past ANA conventions, please share it through SOUVENIR for everyone to enjoy. Also provide a little description of the photo (like ANA year, ANA venue, any anything memorable) and email the scanned copy to [email protected] by Thursday, May 31, 2012. Your name/s will be included and printed for photo courtesy.

Articles will be edited for space and clarity. Acceptance and printing of articles will be at the discretion of SOUVENIR Editorial Team. Any articles/photos submitted to [email protected] and any materials published in SOUVENIR 2012 will be the copyrighted property of ANA SOUVENIR 2012.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

With sincere regards,

Binita Joshi Shrestha

SOUVENIR Editorial Team

Phone: 817-805-1318

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