Eid ul-Fitr, the great festival of the Islamic community, was observed with gaiety and gusto across the country on Friday.
In Kathmandu, the Muslim people visited the Jame mosque at Ghantaghar, performed prayers, recited Namaj in group, received blessings from seniors and gave to juniors, exchanged Eid Mubarak (greetings) and took delicious foods.
Eid is the final day of the one month-long Ramadan festival. During this festival, the Muslim people observed Roja or fasting in the daytime, recite Koran, the holy book of Islam people, and made offerings to the poor.
As per the Muslim religion, some portion (2.5 percent) has to be donated to the poor which is called Jakat. Besides the Kathmandu valley, the festival was observed in Parsa, Jhapa, Nuwakot districts and other places of the country as well.
Source: RSS