Kukur Tihar Celebrated With Fun

It’s a special day for our furry friends and for us too as today we do puja  to and pamper our doggies with food, care and love! Yes, Kukur Tihar, the festival of dogs, was celebrated at every household today, to mark the first day of Yamapanchak of the Tihar festival.

Whether it’s our own pets or our neighbours’ or anyone else’s, this is the day when we make dogs feel special for their selfless love towards us.

Priyanka Pradhan's Ringo
Samir Maharjan's Pinky

Dog, which is an animal well known for being the trustworthy sentry as well as faithful companion for man since ancient times, is worshipped once a year on this day as a Yamadoot, or messenger of Yamaraj, the God of death.

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