Plano International Festival is an annual event organized in the City of Plano, Texas to educate, enlighten and enrich the multicultural experience of all of its citizens. The festival aims to celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the city.
The festival started in 2005 and this was first year it saw representation from Nepal.
Performances by TexasNepal dancers
We performed two traditional Nepali dances at the event. Our first performance was Kauda dance performed by Anu Pandey, Shristi Ghimire and Subhangi Krishnaraj. Our second performance was Manjushree dance performed by Dikchhya Bhatta.
TexasNepal wishes to thank Dikchhya Bhatta for volunteering to choreograph the dances as well as performing at the event. We are also thankful to Anu Pandy, Shristi Ghimire and Subhangi Krishnaraj for volunteering to participate at the event.
Kauda Dance
Kauda Dance is a very attractive dance and it belongs to the Magar Community in the western part of Nepal. The Magar community is one of the ancient ethnic groups in Nepal settled in the southern and western part of the Mahabharat. The essence of this dance is coordination and graceful steps . Smoothness of dancers and their movements are a delight to any spectator.
Manjushree Dance
This Main Classical form of Nepal is called Charya and is widely known as The Newari Nepali classical dance of Nepal. According to the Buddhist Legend, The oldest of the Bodhisattvas,The Great Monk Manjushree came from Tibet and worshiped the self existent flame at the age of the Lake called “tau daha” and drained all the water that covered Kathmandu valley by cutting through ridges of ‘Chaubhahar’ at its rim with his flaming magical sword, making the valley good for habitation. The famous Swayambhu Maha Chaitya on the west of Kathmandu marks the place of self existent flame. This Manjushree dance is a dance praises and explains the courage,Eloquence,intelligence,traits and characteristics of the Great Monk Manjushree.
Photos – Click to view Photos from Plano International Festival 2011
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