106 Year Old Man’s Wish Came True

Photo courtesy – Priyanka Gurung

Wishes do come true! Bote Rai, who is 106 years old & hails from Dhankuta, had expressed his last wish in life as wanting to fly in an aeroplane. A leading national daily had run his story in their paper on Monday. Upon reading about it, Yeti Airlines granted him his wish by taking him on his first flight ever. Mr. Rai, who is frail & not in very good health reportedly enjoyed the flight & was not scared at all while soaring high up in the skies. He boarded the plane at Biratnagar & flew to Kathmandu, where he spent a day before heading back home. He was accompanied by his nephew Man Bahadur Rai.

The fiesty old man was down with seasonal flu and had asked the media persons to arrange a flight for him instead of getting him medicines as he didn’t think he would live much longer. His nephews and nieces who have been taking care of him are all in their 70’s and they are finding it difficult as they too are old now. Therefore, they had contacted the media so that people would come to know about his plight and help take care of him. It is not clear as yet whether any person or organization has come forward to help him, however the media coverage surely helped him fulfill his last wish.


Photo courtesy – Priyanka Gurung



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