25 Lakh Nepali Youths in Foreign Land for Job

According to the latest figures released by Nepal government, 25 lakh (2.5 million) Nepali youths have left the country in search of job opportunities in foreign countries and are contributing Rs 3 arab (3 billion) in remittance to the country annually.

It was revealed at an interaction program organized by National Unemployed Youth Society on Monday (January 2nd) that each year around 350,000 youth leave for abroad among the 400,000 human resources produced and only 50,000 stay to get employment at home.

People between the age group 16-40 are considered as youth in Nepal while the United Nations has defined the population between 15-24 years of age as youth.

At the program Nepali Congress leader Narayan Khadka said the political parties should be serious about this issue despite using youths for political activities like banda. Similarly Mahesh Basnet, chariman of Youth Association Nepal, admitted that the country could save billions of rupees annually if only corruption could be controlled in various government offices.

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