All posts by avinash

Kathmandu Police Chief- SSP Ramesh Kharel in TOUGH talk

रमेश खरेल भन्छन्ः डन त नभनौ मैले गुन्डाहरु भनेको छु। मैले सवैको नाडी छामेको छु। यि डन होइनन् यि गुन्डा हुन यि अपराधी हुन्। जुनसुकै रङमा वसेपनि यि डन होइनन् । खरेलले भने “जो जो मानिसहरु अपारधीको सिकार भएका छन् आएर मलाई भेट्नुहोस अपराधीलाई सजाय दिलाउन दिन रात खटेर लाग्ने छु ।” “अहिले न्यालय पनि … Continue reading Kathmandu Police Chief- SSP Ramesh Kharel in TOUGH talk

Radio in Retrospect -WorldRadioDay

Radio has been a powerful medium since it was evolved. In the under developed countries like Nepal, it is the landmark for development, governance, entertainment and much more. In the auspicious occasion of Radio Day, 2014, the living legends of Nepali Radio (Hari Prasad Rimal, Kalyani Rimal, Krishna Tamrakar, Bhairab Risal) are sharing their stories of Radio Retrospect.

Throw Your Loved Ones Off The Bridge This Valentine’s Day !

Nepal has a new extreme adventure sport attraction: Share the scare, double the fun on the Tandem Canyon Swing, Nepal’s new thrilling adventure. Why bungee or swing alone , when you can hold hands and share the scare and take the 160-meter leap with your best friend, spouse or lover? The Tandem connects two jumpers … Continue reading Throw Your Loved Ones Off The Bridge This Valentine’s Day !