Banned Practice of ‘Chhaupadi’ Takes Life of Teenage Girl in Achham

A girl has died after being forced to live in a shed during her menstruation, under a traditional practice that is said to be have been banned for more than a decade. The 15-year-old was found dead at a Chhaupadi shed in Gagra of Achham district in Western Nepal on Sunday (December 18, 2016).

Photo source: República Twitter page ‏@RepublicaNepal

The deceased has been identified as Roshani Tiruwa- a ninth grader at the local Rastra Bhasha Secondary School.

The social custom of Chhaupadi  banishes menstruating girls and women forcing them to live in a narrow shed outside their houses and depriving them of basics of life with a belief that gods would be angry if they were allowed to stay inside home during the monthly periods.

The victim’s father Bharat Tiruwa recalled the family turning suspicious over her health after the girl had not responded to the wake-up call from the parents.

According to a police officer investigating into the case, the girl suffocated to death from the smoke caused by the fire she had made to keep herself warm in the congested Chhaupadi shed.

Women’s Development Officer of the district, Bhagawati Aryal reported that more than 10 girls and women have lost their lives since 2006.

In spite of over 31 VDCs in the district being declared the Chhaupadi free zone, girls and women in the district continue the tradition, as informed by the police.


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