Bus Accident In Simle: One ANFA Academy Player Died; Three Injured

One ANFA academy player, Ranjan Thapa (from Pokhara) died and three other ANFA acedemy players were injured in a bus accident at Simle, Dhadhing district at 4 am Tuesday morning.

Ranjan Thapa died on the spot along with other nine passengers while another injured died while being rushed to hospital in Kathmandu.

The accident occurred when the bus (Lu Kha 7051) travelling to Kathmandu from Butwal swerved off the road and fell few hundred meters down the cliff to Maheshkhola, Bhumesthan of Simle along the Prithivi Highway.

The three injured ANFA academy players are Sagar Pariyar, Milan Hitang and Samrat. All of them recently got selected in central ANFA Acadmy from Butwal ANFA Academy.

Those four players had gone to Butwal from Kathmandu to appear in examination.

The hostel incharge of Butwal Academy, Bikash Gurung confirmed about the death of  Ranjan Thapa.

“They were travelling from Butwal to Kathmandu via night bus but unfortunately the accident occured in Simle”, Gurung said, “We are very sad to hear this incident”.

[via GoalNepal.com]

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