Central Jail’s Inmates’ Exhibition at St.Xavier’s College


An exhibition with a difference took place on June 8, Saturday. Garments made by the inmates of Central Jail were exhibited at St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar. The 10 trainees, who were students of Social Work, had been working as facilitators inside the prison as a part of their curriculum. Hence, they organized the program with the help of the Department of Social Work. Items on exhibition included various bags, woollen sweaters, sportswear, accessories, muda, and thanka painting.

Indira Sapkota of Bhotu- Indira , a social welfare organization inaugurated the program which received overwhelmingly positive feedback. It succeeded in making people aware of the widely unknown fact that prison isn’t a place where people are tormented inside the confined walls, but it’s a correctional house where each day, inmates develop skills through various training provided inside, and come a step close to re-framing their life- for good.

The money collected from the items sold from the exhibition will be handed over to the inmates of the Jail. It will not only assist them economically, but it will also strengthen their morale. All the visitors were taken aback by looking at the items which were being exhibited, as none of them had expected that Jail has been producing so many skillful minds.

Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal
Photo :Nirnit Tandukar / TexasNepal


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