Cooking Gas Cylinder Price Hiked To Rs 2,100

cooking_gasThe government has increased the price of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to Rs 2,100 per cylinder introducing limited subsidy and separate color for household and industrial purposes effective from Wednesday.

As per the new provision, the government will provide 12 cylinders per household per year and four cylinders per student for a student per year at subsidized rate at Rs 1,550 per cylinder. Cylinders available for household and industrial use will be in red and blue color, respectively.

The board meeting of the Nepal Oil Corporation, state-owned petroleum monopoly, held on Tuesday took the decision to introduce the dual-color system.

“Though our cost price for a cylinder of gas hovers around Rs 2,130 we have decided to set new price at Rs 2100 per cylinder. However, subsidized price per cylinder is Rs 1550,” said Suresh Kumar Agrawal, acting executive director of NOC.

According to him, those who are eligible to get subsidy of Rs 550 per cylinder, will get reimbursement through any branch of Bank of Kathmandu, which has a service network of 47 branches across the country.

Source: Republica

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