dfwNepal is officially TexasNepal.com from May 1st, 2010

May 1, 2010 – We are officially renaming dfwNepal.com to TexasNepal.com from today. We decided to rename the website with suggestions from our visitors and well-wishers in order to cover more events and reach out to even more Nepalis across the state of Texas.

All the previous links to dfwNepal.com are still valid and visitors are redirected to the same page under TexasNepal when visiting the old links via dfwNepal.com domain.

Please write to us at [email protected] if you receive any errors due to this transition.

We can also find us here:

Facebook – facebook.com/TexasNepal

Twitter – twitter.com/TexasNepal

Vimeo – vimeo.com/TexasNepal

YouTube – youtube.com/TexasNepal

Thank you all for your love and support.

TexasNepal.com Team

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