The biggest mo:mo: party of the year, The Bakery Cafe Mo:Mo: Mania 2013 finally took place on Saturday (February 23) at Bhrikutimandap Garden. Even this time around, the popular restaurant chain presented an event to remember with sumptuous momos and amazing stage performances.

The 12th edition of the unique celebration of Nepali contemporary food culture featured a total of 16 varieties of momos including Fish, Smoked Chicken, Buff Szechuan, Gundpak, and Pharsi Ko Haluwa Momo which was introduced only this year. Everyone present at the event from children to youngsters to adults relished on these delicacies while enjoying some great live performances by world renowned Nepali folk ensemble Kutumba who teamed up with guitar great Hari Maharjan, Nishant Gauchan on beatbox, and Mukti N Revival drummer Prajwal Kansakar for energetic presentation.
Adding more excitement to the already happening event were Momo Eating (for both children and adults) and Momo Making Competitions and door prizes through lucky draw.