Featured video : Greater Nepal

This is a short video from the documentary “Greater Nepal: In Quest of Boundary” that was premiered in London on December 2, 2006 – the day Sugauli Treaty was signed. It describes the bitterness of Nepali land encroachment by India for decades. I say every Nepali must watch it and spread the word around the globe. We were, are and will remain a sovereign nation. Be warned you Indians!



2 thoughts on “Featured video : Greater Nepal”

  1. Manoj ji, your work is a milestone. we have now to congregate. nothing more, but everybody Nepali has to remember.” When british was to flee india, they had told the Ranas(The Traitors) to formally request the british india to return the land that was lost in the Sugauli treaty. But those traitors rejected the proposal so that their regime would long last.” What a shame? There are no such events in history of the world where the ruler rejects to take land that was his own property.

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