Mind blowing “Fusion Nite”

Home Forums Chhalfal Mind blowing “Fusion Nite”

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      The show was very organized, professional, and most of all very entertaining. Fashion shows, dance, and songs from local were very appealing.
      Darshan Rauniyar’s speech was very thought provoking. He is running for Congress. He evoked the message that he wants to be the liaison between the American Government and us. I am up for him after his lucid persuasive speech. Why not? When somebody is willing to stand on our behalf.
      Astha Tamang-Maskey is really not just a pretty face but also a hugely talented one. As she walked in, she greeted. She spoke very sweetly. Her speaking voice felt like a melody. And, her deeply enriched vocal was very touching and gave me goose bumps. She left me wanting to hear even more of her songs.
      Surendar Singh came in and blew everybody insane. As he started singing “Hukka Mero”, the crowd was drawn into him immediately. Security people had to come and escort away from him. His energy was very never-ending. He made everybody dance and sing along with him.
      The crowd was rather interesting to watch.
      Getting to watch dances, songs, and celebrities, “Fusion” blew my mind. Melting now!

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