Grand Farewell For Hamro Team

Hamro TeamA television serial carrying the message of unity and team work, Hamro Team had its dramatic season finale on Thursday, 1st Sept. The 13-episode series about a girl named Seema, played by Richa Sharma, and her pursuit to coach a local football team came to a happy ending.

The show was being telecast on Kantipur Television.

Produced by Search for Common Ground and directed by renowned media personality as well as film director Bhusan Dahal, the project was a part of a multi-country television episodic drama, being implemented in Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire, Morocco, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Burundi, Guinea, and Indonesia among others in collaboration with local partners in each of these countries.

In order to give the show a proper wrap up, a farewell party was organized on the very day at Yala Maya Kendra, Patan. Present at the event were the entire cast and crew of the production and they were later handed the tokens of appreciation.

Throughout the series, an online contest was also conducted. In Hamro Team Online Contest, marketed by Fireflies Media Solutions and powered by Magnum Design Studio, questions related to the happenings of the recently showcased episodes were asked. Participants were entitled to a variety of prizes. And all the winners from the contest were invited at the closing ceremony as well.

In a short span of time, Hamro Team has proved to be a very influential show amongst Nepalese youth. It has succeeded in delivering the message about knowing what we are as an individual, and what we can be as a team. And from what has been heard, there is going to be a second season to this inspirational drama.

All the 13 episodes can be viewed on Search for the videos posted by “sfcgnepal.”

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