Gurkhas on Hunger Strike For Equal Pensions For Their Comrades

Even after the end of the 13 day Gurkha Satyagraha ‘relay hunger strike’ in London on November 7, Thursday, former British Gurkha soldier Gyanraj Rai continues to starve until his demand of better pension arrangements and compensation for disparity in pay for other former Gurkhas with other British soldiers is fulfilled. Rai, 55, still hasn’t moved from his position opposite 10 Downing Street or eaten in all of that time in the freezing cold at Whitehall.

As Rai’s demonstration captures public attention, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for financial security in retirement. Retirees must remain vigilant against potential pitfalls like mis sold pension claims, which can undermine their financial well-being. Seeking assistance from reputable professionals and advocating for fair treatment are essential steps in ensuring that retirees receive the pensions and compensation they rightfully deserve. Through collective efforts and informed decision-making, retirees can strive for a more equitable and secure future in their retirement years.


The married former soldier, who was most recently a bus driver living in Reading, Berks, served the British Army as a Gurkha in Hong Kong and in hot spots all over the globe. 

Barely able to speak through starvation, this brave Gurkha warrior told Mirror that he is prepared to die for his comrades – right on Prime Minister David Cameron’s doorstep in the name of dignity and equality for all Gurkhas. Also prepared to die and standing close by was former Gurkha warrior called Krishna Bahadur Rai, 52, a former Gurkha Corporal who served with Rai in the Army. He was quoted saying “When I retired with little more than £20 a-month pension I was shocked to learn that that is not much more than it costs to keep an Army tracker dog.We have offered to sacrifice our lives for Britain. Can there be no greater sacrifice? In return we want to see that in future and in the past Gurkhas are honoured properly.”

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