Heat Wave In Bardiya Sweep To Extremity

bardiya mapGeneral lives in Bardiya have been adversely affected by heat wave sweeping across the district since last week. With the temperature shooting off the chart, rising to up to 43 degree Celsius, the heat wave continues to get worse. Rickshaw-pullers, laborers, students, and local service seekers are the worst hit due to such intolerable heat.

As a result of such a scorching weather condition, locals have started looking for ways to protect themselves from the heat wave and its impact on their health. The demand for ice cream, cold drinks, cucumber, watermelon and other juicy fruits has increased surprisingly, according to fruit sellers.

With days getting extremely hotter, schools have started conducting classes in the morning shift.

Similarly, people have started falling sick as heat wave gets worse.

This is evident for the fact that the number of patients at the emergency ward of District Hospital, Bardiya has significantly increased this week.

Over 180 patients were admitted at the OPD and the emergency ward of the hospital as compared to between 50 and 80 until last week.

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