James Franco & Seth Rogen Make A Spoof of Kimye’s ‘Bound 2’ Music Video

Yes, everyone’s talking about Kanye West’s new video for “Bound 2” which features topless Kim Kardashian on a bike. So just in case you were tired of all the buzz it’s been creating, here’s a refreshing parody of the vid, thanks to James Franco and Seth Rogen. The hilarious duo mock Kimye in their own version of the vid and I got one word for the spoof: AWESOME! Trust me, you will be ROFL!!!

Franco and Rogen dropped “Bound 3” online today saying they felt inspired to recreate their new favorite music video while filming a new flick called “The Interview.”

The best part … Seth plays the role of topless Kim … with James Franco doing awesome lipsyncing of Kanye’s rapping.

In case you want to compare with the original, (WARNING: EXPLICIT!!!)



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