JINDABAAD – Spoilin [Music Video]

JINDABAAD, a Kathmandu-based “ART-Rock” band has released the official music video of their song Spoilin’ from the album Plastic Heart.

The band comprises of five members viz. JIndabaad Rohit Shakya (vocals/guitars/electronics), Rajan Shrestha (Bass/vocals/guitars/electronics), Sunny Tuladhar (Guitars/vocals), Kiran Shahi (drums/percussion/electronics) and Abhisek Bhadra (Keyboards/synth/electronics).

Video Credits


Lyrics: Rohit Shakya and Astha Tamang-Maskey

Album: Plastic Heart

Produced by: JINDABAAD, Fuzz Productions and Octillion studios

Director: Prasiit Sthapit and Rohit Shakya

Editor: Rajan Shrestha


Prometheus: Deep Chhetri

Psychiatrist: Rohit Shakya

Wrestler: Abhisek Bhadra

Receptionist: Rajan Shrestha

Serial killer: Kiran Shahi

Patient no.4: Sunny Tuladhar

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