KFC Imports Rotten Chicken From India


International food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Nepal has been caught up in another scandal this year. It has been found selling rotten chicken to its high profile consumers.

According to nepalireporter.com, the fast food chain with its outlets in Nepal’s major hubs in Kathmandu was found on Saturday to be importing stale chicken from neighbouring India. KFC had earlier denied to use chicken produced in Nepal arguing that they did not meet its high standard.

Another news website ekantipur.com reports that two containers of frozen chicken were dumped on Saturday in Dhading. Earlier, local poultry farmers had seized the containers at Dharke along the Prithvi Highway claiming that the meat was imported illegally. Though KFC  had claimed that it imported chicken to Nepal from Thailand via India, both the container’s travel document cleared it that the chicken was brought from India and not from Thailand. An  inspection team from the Avian Department in Kathmandu later ascertained that the chicken in the containers was substandard and inedible under any circumstances.

After a team from the Central Animal Quarantine in Kathmandu inspected the consignment and recommended its destruction, 10,860 kg frozen chicken was thrown away near Naubise, Dhading.

2 thoughts on “KFC Imports Rotten Chicken From India”

  1. Greedy, Greedy businessman all over Nepal. They are doing so much good business in Nepal but still they want to earn more by providing cheap rotten things. Why don’t they have ethics and moral?. The way this KFC is running they can open 4-5 more branches all over Nepal and earn a very good amount of money but NO, they won’t do that cuz they don’t have brains to think for future. They should be put in prison. It is the same repetitive story of GUdpak shop from New road.

    1. Hi Raju jee..You are right what you said. They don’t have business ethics and moral. They only have money in mind. I want to talk with you about KFC Nepal and why you don’t like the activities of KFC..Please can I get your email address sothat I can contact you easily. I am doing research about KFC what it doing now in Nepal. Please can you help me. Thanks..

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