MaHa Yatra Kicks Off With Sold Out Shows In Australia

MaHa jodi duo and the team, who are currently touring Australia for their first musical program MaHa Yatra, have been welcomed very well by the Nepalis living in the land down under. Both the shows, that have been held so far, were sold out!

Source: Solangture Facebook Page
Source: Solangture Facebook Page

Famous comedian duo Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya, along with five other crew members, set out to Aus for their almost three week long event. The two shows, which took place in Perth and Adelaide, witnessed a turnout of Nepali audience that was more than expected. Also joining the stage at the programs were Shiva Hari Poudel, Kiran KC and Narendra Kansakar.

The comedic group were able to keep the audience entertained throughout the shows, tickling their funny bones to the max. They had taken different social issues and turned them into humorous presentations under titles Newar Bahadur Bahun Bahadur, London Airporter and Ma Don Ko Studio. Apart from hilarious portrayal of Nepal’s current political situation, the crowd had the chance to enjoy some of Kunti Moktan’s evergreen hits.

Source: Solangture Facebook Page
Source: Solangture Facebook Page

Following the success of the shows, the touring team thanked the Nepalis in Australia for showcasing their love for Nepali art, culture and actors.

MaHa Yatra will further take place in Canberra on January 25, Melbourne on January 27, Gold Coast on January 29, Brisbane on February 1 and in Sydney on February 2.




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