Man Gets Arrested For Uploading Video And Photos On Porn Site

cybercrimeA 27-year-old was arrested on Friday (November 21, 2014) on the charge of uploading a vulgar video and photos of his female friend on a porn site, as reported by Republica.

The arrested has been identified as Niraj Shakya of Chhetrapati of Kathmandu, according to the police. Following complaints from the victim´s family, police arrested IT student Shakya from his residence, police inspector Pashupati Raya, an officer at the Cyber Crime Cell of the Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Hanumandhoka, said.

According to the Crime Division, Shakya explained him being ´depressed´ over his relation with the victim, a 25-year-old, as the reason why he allegedly posted the video and acted as revenge. The victim´s family complained to the police about a week ago, a few days after a video was posted on the porn site.

Inspector Raya said, “Preliminary investigation shows that the photos were taken about a year ago while they were in good relations.” Police said their preliminary investigation has shown that the culprit uploaded the video in an attempt at character assisination of the woman. The arrested has been sent to Metropolitan Police Range Office, Hanumandhoka after the chief district officer remanded him to police custody for further investigation. Both the victim and accused are unmarried.

If found guilty under Electronic Transaction Act 2008, the accused might be slapped with five years of imprisonment.

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