Miss Little Newa Contestants Excel At Talent Round

The talent contest for one of the highly awaited beauty pageants Miss Little Newa 2013 was held on August 10, 2013 Saturday (26th Shrawan 2070) at Chhetrapati Party Palace.  All the participating beautiful little girls, dressed very culturally and attractively, lined up to hit the stage and showcase their talent in front of the judges, their parents, guardians and friends.


The talent round was initiated with a dance performance from contestant number one, Timila Maharjan, who danced in a popular newar song ‘Sirsa Ye Hegu’. The show witnessed different forms of talent. Apart from dancing, some channeled their talent through singing, some chose art while some others went with entertaining the audience by playing their musical instruments. To name a few, Ubbie Shrestha, Suvasha Shrestha and Harsha Bajracharya played piano whereas Binisha Maharjan played Newari tunes on their flute and Nasla Mahrjan played newar instrument Dhime.  Yogyata Shrestha performed skit on the child labour. Shristina Maharjan gave an amazing performace of tandav catching every beat of the song. Moreover, all the 30 contestants gave their best.


The jury members consisted of Dipak Tuladhar ( Prinicpal of Modern Newa English School), Miss Newa 1133 Sudina Shrestha, actress Hisila Maharjan, Amar Jyoti Ranjitkar ( Marketing Executive of Nepal Overseas Trading concern), Jeebeshwor Lal Shrestha ( Principal of Namuna Fashion and Tehnology) and musician Sabin Munikar. Hari Gopal Pradhan, Vice- president of NFPJ was the chief guest of the event along with Tibendra Man Tuladhar as Event Chairman.

The presence of Newar culture and importance of one’s language was clearly observed in the talent round of Miss Little Newa. The main event is going to be held on August 18, 2013 (2nd Bhadra 2070) at Nepal Academy, Kamaladi.






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