Music Video For Kathor, Moving And Sure To Touch Hearts

Now, here’s a song that’s creating a lot of buzz lately. Even singer Astha Tamang-Maskey shared it on her Facebook page earlier this week. It’s The visual for the song “Kathor” by the band Night and I think it has been shot very beautifully. The music video stands out both concept wise and in terms of technicalities. Kudos to director Bibhusan Basnet for a job done great. Well, what I like the most about the video is that it is simple and clearly delivers its message of one’s sacrifice of dreams and happiness to be by someone’s side. The performance by its actors is also commendable.

Almost a decade ago, Nepali music industry faced a boom in music video productions with footage of fairly better quality hitting TV channels but it soon hit recession with only technological use in abundance and no creativity to rejoice. Nevertheless, I’m glad we’re again finally getting some good ones these days. So could this particular video be a sign of the change we’re desperately longing for? See it for yourself.

Song: Kathor

Band: Night

Music: Night

Lyrics: Jason Kunwar

Album: Ani Ukali Sangai Oraali

Directed by: Bibhusan Basnet


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