Nepal Ranks 6th in National Geographic Traveler’s Cool Holiday List For 2016

National Geographic Traveler has released its round up of 16 ‘cool’ locations not to be missed next year – with some surprising choices and Nepal is in 6th position along with Iran at No. 1 Position.

The list was published on the online portal of Daily Mail – UK, Mail Online, on 7 December 2015.

Mail Online writes, “Tourist numbers to Nepal plummeted by 85 per cent after the devastating earthquakes, but the country is once more open for business and safe to visit.”

TRAVELER-COVER-12_15Here are the top 16 places you should consider booking in 2016, according to the publication’s travel experts.

  1.  Iran
  2. Costa Rica
  3. Washington DC
  4. Ireland
  5. Cuba
  6. Nepal 
  7. Shanghai
  8. Mozambique
  9. St Vincent and The Grenadines
  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  11. Somerset
  12. Rio de Janeiro
  13. Kazakhstan
  14. Argentina
  15. San Sebastian
  16. The Great Barrier Reef

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