Nepali Movie ‘Kalo Pothi’ Granted Swiss Fund

Upcoming Nepali “Kalo Pothi,” has bagged the prestigious Swiss Fund Vision Sud of Swiss Franc 50,000. The announcement was made by the film production team consisting of writer and director Min Bahadur Bham, producer Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, and co-producer Debaki Rai at the Union House at Anamnagar on Sunday (February 2, 2014).


Speaking at the program, producer Sherpa expressed his excitement at getting to share this brilliant piece of information.

“It’s exciting, but the work that must be done now is very challenging,” he shared. Shedding more light, he further added that since the amount of Swiss Franc 50,000, or approximately Rs 5.5 million, has given the team a free rein to produce the film the way a good film should be made, it will be a creative venture.

Bham also expressed his happiness at getting his script selected among so many screenplays, as he said he had believed in his work. He said, “We’ll try to turn it into a good film, so that it’ll be able to have success or fame on its own. We’ve been working for the pre-production, and with hope, it pans out well.”

Kalo Pothi was selected from more than 100 films from different countries for the fund, and one of the top three to be given the full fund.

Since 2005, Vision Sud has been supporting films from different countries. Kalo Pothi is the first Nepali film to obtain this fund.

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