Swearing-In and Handover ceremony of the new NST Executive Committee

Nepalese Society Texas organized swearing-in of oath and handover ceremony of the newly elected executive members at Nepali Community Center in Irving, Texas on November 15, 2009.

The program started with welcome speech by the outgoing general secretary Janak Rana followed by handing out of volunteer-of-the-year certificates to actively participating DFW Nepali community members. Others gave short speeches about Nepali community in DFW and the role of NST for the community.

Pratyasit Shrestha and his team (DFWTeens) donated $150 to Nepali Math School, which was part of the money their team had collected from Deusi program earlier this year.

Pasang Lama spoke about the election, the controvesy that arose regarding participation of Bhutanese-Nepalis in the election and finally wished new committee to work their best towards the benefit of Nepalis living in DFW.

The new elected committee members were awarded with certificates and the swearing in of oath was conducted by Baikuntha Thapa, member of the 2009 NST election committee.

Prem Adhikari, the new president of NST thanked everybody and talked about how he plans to work in team with the new committee along with with other volunteers towards making a difference for the DFW Nepali community.

The event ended with speech from outgoing NST president Ram Pokhrel who talked about the ups and downs he faced during his tenure and encouraged the new committee to work from their heart and never to give up.

Below are some photos and video highlights from the event.

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Video from the event


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