Samriddhi Rai’s Journey Back To Miss Tourism Queen


Goodwill Ambassador for Nepal as appointed by Nepal Tourism Board, Samriddhi Rai is representing Nepal at Miss Tourism Queen Asia 2013, according to statement released by Group Of Event Entertainers ( G.E.E ).

On the occasion of of the pageant’s 10th anniversary celebration, the contest this time has been designed to be participated by Asian candidates only (about 40 countries) as opposed to more than 120 countries in the year 2011 and is taking place in Xitang Province of China from May 10- 18.

Rai, who returned home with the title of ‘Miss Personality’ during her participation at Miss Tourism Queen International 2011, was invited back by the International Organisers ERM to take part in the pageant.

A journalist by profession and media personality, Rai has been actively participating in beauty pageants since her teenage years, including Miss Teen Nepal 2006 (crowned 2nd runner up), Miss Nepal 2010 (top 5) and was crowned Miss Tourism Queen International Nepal in 2011.

The beauty queen will be singing as part of her talent showcase at Miss Tourism Queen Asia. She had previously managed to reach the ‘top 3’ in talent round during her previous participation in the year 2011.



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