Six Injured in Jajarkot Acid Incident

acidSix individuals were reportedly injured during an acid attack in Jajarkot on Sunday (July 27, 2014). They are said to have been affected when acid splashed at a man caught them following a minor dispute.

Jagat Sunar has sustained critical injuries after his nephew Arjun Sunar attacked him with acid. Police informs two others sitting near Jagat have also sustained serious acid burns to their body. Jagat has sustained severe injuries to his eye, face and chest.

As reported by, Arjun is learnt to have poured the acid on his uncle to take revenge for injuring him during a clash on the same day.

Durga Bahadur Shrestha, Ram Bahadur Nepali, Ramita Shrestha and her two-year-old daughter Shikha were also injured in the incident, according to Ganesh Budha, an eye witness.

Police are searching for Arjun, who absconded after the incident, said Chakra Bahadur Singh, Deputy Superintendent of Police at the District Police Office, Jajarkot.

Jagat and Ram Bahadur Nepali have been sent to Nepalgunj for medical treatment while others injured are undergoing treatment at the District Hospital in Jajarkot.

In a similar incident in Kanchanpur district, a group of four people poured boiling water at Tek Bahadur Eir, 43, of Krishnapur VDC-4 and killed him, according to Sub-inspector of Police Rajendra Nath.

The four including Nanu Chaudhary, Kamal Dagar, Narendra Nepali and Dhan Bahdadur Shah are learnt to have consumed liquor together with Eir at Shah’s hotel.

All the four including Shah have been taken under police control for necessary action, added Sub-inspector Nath.

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