Son Stabs Mother To Death Over Unhappy Marriage

A 35-year-old man, who claimed he had stabbed his mother to death, surrendered to the policeMurder_knife_crime_stab_generic_360 on Saturday (October 25, 2014).

As reported by Sub-Inspector Hari Singh Dhami, of Metropolitan Police Circle Office, Kalimati, Shyam Krishna Shrestha of Bafal, Kathmandu, arrived at the Circle´s office and surrendered to police showing no remorse at all. Shrestha had gone straight to the police office leaving his mother in a pool of blood.

The deceased has been identified as Lucky Shrestha, 65, who was declared dead soon after she was brought to the TU Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj, according to the police.

According to the preliminary investigations, Shyam Krishna Shrestha, the youngest son of the deceased, had an unhappy married life. He suspected his mother´s involvement in separating him from his wife and believed that she loved her elder son, who too was living under the same roof, more than him, the police said. The family´s financial condition was deteriorating lately, the neighbors told the police.

However, the case is under investigation as the accused has been frequently changing his statements, police said.

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