TexasNepal.com is One Year Old today! (June 1, 2010)

June 1, 2010 marks the first anniversary of the establishment of TexasNepal.com and we would like to thank all our dear website visitors and our well wishers for their love and continuous support that has helped us to reach this far and also has been encouraging us everyday to work harder.

We initially launched the website as dfwNepal.com to serve the need of a communication portal for Nepalis living in Dallas – Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex. June 1, 2009 became the official launch date. Since then we have been publishing articles, photos, videos, news and more on our website on a regular basis. We have received several suggestions and comments over these months and we appreciate all our website visitors’ concern for us.

Renaming to TexasNepal.com

With suggestions from our visitors and well wishers we officially renamed the website to TexasNepal.com on May 1, 2010 with the aim of reaching out to more Nepalis across the state of Texas and to cover events and happenings related to Nepali communities throughout the state of Texas.

Personality of the Month

We started featuring a distinguished Nepali personality every month since August 2009 as an inspiration for our website visitors as well as to promote local talents. Below is list of people we have featured so far:

Weekly Video Podcast

We started publishing weekly video podcast from the first week of April 2009. These video podcasts cover topics like What’ New on our website, video tutorials in Nepali, interesting facts, upcoming events and so on. Weekly video podcasts are available at texasnepal.com/blog/category/video-podcast and also at TexasNepal Videos.

Weekly Articles by Bhabika Joshi

Bhabika Joshi is a young aspiring Nepali writer from Keller, Texas who has already penned a novel at a very young age of fourteen. She was featured on our website as Personality of the Month for September 2009. She has been writing great weekly articles for us on our blog every Mondays. Click here to read her articles.

Featured Events


TexasNepal Photos – this page features all photos from various events we have covered recently.

Once again we would like to thank all our website visitors and our well wishers for their continuous support, encouragement, suggestions, comments and concerns that has helped us to run our website till date and we will be expecting the same in the days to come.

Thank You

TexasNepal.com Team

Anoj KC

Mukunda KC

Rajan Odari

Rita Phuyal

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