TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 – Win $500 for your photo

TexasNepal Photo/VideoTexasNepal.com announces TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 open to everyone of Nepali origin from around the world with a cash prize of $500. Photos can be uploaded to our Facebook page at facebook.com/TexasNepal or emailed to us at [email protected].

Photo submission deadline has passed.

Update: September 20, 2011

Copyright Claims :- We have received copyright claims on some of the photos submitted for the competition. The contesting photographers have been notified about the claims. If you have received a message/email from us regarding copyright claims, please provide us with original copy of the photograph for verification –- email the photo to [email protected] by midnight September 25, 2011 CST. We will delete the disputed photos on September 26, 2011 if ownership of the photos cannot be verified.

Facebook fan page misuse :- We have received reports that some contestants have been creating fake Facebook fan pages to generate likes on their photos. This is not allowed. Likes on photos must be from a real Facebook profile representing an individual. Please remove such likes from your photo by midnight September 25, 2011 CST — your photo will be disqualified if you do not comply with the competition rules.

Update: September 2, 2011

We are extending the deadline to vote (like) for TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 to midnight September 30, 2011, US Central Time. The Good News is — we now have more prizes for the competition — second and third prizes in the amount of $200 and $100 respectively besides the first prize of $500. We are very thankful to Deep Bikram Khadka, Minneapolis, MN for sponsoring $100 for the third prize.

Update: September 1, 2011

We have decided to extend the deadline for photo submission by two days. Participants can submit their photos by midnight September 2, 2011 (US Central Standard Time). We have received several requests for extension of deadline for photo submission. We are also waiting for few people to resubmit photos via email since their submissions got caught up in spam. The late submissions will have lesser time to receive vote (likes).

Winner Selection

Photos are now live on our Facebook Page. You can simply like your favorite photo with your Facebook account. The three most popular photos by midnight September 30, 2011 will be declared winners for the contest. Keep checking this blog post for up-to-date information.

Links to the submitted photos on our Facebook Page at facebook.com/texasnepal.

• Photo Album 1

• Photo Album 2

On September 1, 2011, submitted photos (if accepted based on competition rules below) will be added to an album (multiple albums if submission exceeds 200) on our Facebook page and the winner will be selected based on the number of “Facebook Likes” on the photos. Photos will be open to like till 11:59 PM September 30, 2011 CST. Winner will be announced on October 1, 2011 who will receive cash prize of $500 or equivalent amount of currency based on the location of participant. Similarly the the photo with second and third most likes will win $200 and $100 respectively.

How to participate

1. Log in to your Facebook. Go to our page facebook.com/texasnepal.

2. If you haven’t joined our page already, click “Like” to join.

3. Post your photo on the wall by clicking the Photo icon next to Post under Share menu. Add your full name and a title for the photo (this is required). You can also include a brief description of the photo if you wish.

4. If you prefer emailing, attach the photo to an email and send it to [email protected] with your full name and title for the photo.

5. On September 1, 2011 come back to our page to see one or more albums with your photo included. Share it to your friends and encourage them to like it. The three most popular photos on our Facebook page will win the prizes.

6. Likes on the photos will be counted from September 1 thru September 30, 2011. Likes must be from a real Facebook profile representing an individual not from a Facebook fan page or Group.

7. Winners will be announced on October 1, 2011.

8. We will contact the winner via email to send the prize.

9. Winning photo and the photographer will be featured on our website on the first week on October 2011.

Competition Terms and Conditions

• Only one photograph per participant allowed.

• Photographer must be of Nepali origin (either born in Nepal or has family ties to Nepal).

• Photo submitted must be original work of the participant.

• There is no theme for the competition. Take photos of anything you want, be creative.

• By submitting a photo for the competition, you grant TexasNepal.com permission to republish the photograph on our Facebook page and our website.

• Photos must be submitted before midnight of September 2, 2011.

• TexasNepal.com retains right to reject photos based on its content or subject matter if it is not suitable to our general viewers.

If you have any questions about the competition please write to us at [email protected] or leave us a message at 214-519-8585.

7 thoughts on “TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 – Win $500 for your photo”

  1. can we get a (zip) collection of all the photos that have been entered for the competition, they make real good wallpapers, and downloading them single will take a long long time…thank you, and best wishes….

  2. pls tell me how to take part on texas nepal photo competition 2011.

    pls kindly tell me how do i send my photo graphs on the competition.

    hope to get proses to send my pictures.


    Dinesh dongol

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