TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 Winners

TexasNepal.com organized an open photo contest titled “TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011” for Nepali photographers around the world. Photos submitted for the contest were uploaded to our Facebook page and were open to vote until midnight September 30, 2011 CST.

Below are the three winning photos based on the likes they received.

First Place – $500

TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
First (3575 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Pusker Raj Ghimire

Second Place – $200

TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Second (3151 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Bishal Vaidya

Third Place – $100

TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Third (3145 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Ranjan Parajuli (Dibya Gyanbigyan)

Top Ten Photos (Rank 4-10)

TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Fourth (2136 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Aman Man Singh
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Fifth (1672 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Bikal Maharjan
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Sixth (1114 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Rawbee Mahandhar
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Seventh (873 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Manil Chaulagain
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Eight (759 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Keshav Yadav
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Ninth (615 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Tek Ang
TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Tenth (494 likes) - TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011
Milan Kunwar

TexasNepal.com wishes to thank everyone for participating in the Photo Competition.

Please stay in touch for future updates: facebook.com/texasnepal or twitter.com/texasnepal

0 thoughts on “TexasNepal Photo Competition 2011 Winners”

  1. If you look at the photography…by being a photography student..I can tell Keshav Yadav’s photo is by far the best one ..you’ll ever see…

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