Tunnel Highway In The Making

How does a tunnel highway in Nepal sound to you?? Well, the planning for one has already started and if all go well, we will be able to enjoy it!

The private sector has accelerated work to construct the Kathmandu-Hetauda Tunnel Highway road as per a new concept—’4P’—where even locals are involved as investors. The highway is expected to be completed in the next four years with an investment of Rs 20 billion.

According to ekantipur.com, the proposed highway under the 4P—private, public, people and partnership sectors—will make travel to Hetauda from Kathmandu a one-hour-drive, while the distance covered will be 50 km. Under the 4P model, locals and the general people will invest Rs 10,000 while businessmen will invest Rs 100,000 each. Local government bodies and interested Nepalis living abroad and banks, too, can invest in the project.

As per the plan, each sector will contribute 25 percent of the total cost of the project.

Its work is scheduled to start within a month after acquiring the survey licence for the detailed project report (DPR) from the government.

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