11 Indian Pilgrims Killed In Bus Plunge In Pyuthan

images-cms-image-000006881A bus accident took place in a village of Pyuthan district Monday evening, where altogether 11 Indian pilgrims were killed and 63 injured.

Operated by West Nepal Public Transport Entrepreneurs Committee, the bus of number Lu 1 Kha 3803 veered off the road and plunged into Madi Khola, a local stream, at Godiwang VDC-3 of Pyuthan district.

The vehicle reportedly carried Indian pilgrims who were returning to Krishnanagar of Kapilvastu district after visiting Swargadwari, a famous Hindu shrine in Pyuthan. Police say they are yet to find out the cause of the accident.

A survivor, who identified himself as Bhagirath from Bihar of India, said that the driver was talking on mobile phone just before the accident. “All of a sudden, the bus slid off the road,” said he. “The driver was perhaps distracted and he lost control of the bus.”

According to police, nine pilgrims died on the spot and two more breathed their last while being rushed to the District Hospital of Pyuthan for treatment. All the dead and injured are believed to be from Bihar of India whose identities are yet to be confirmed.

Of the injured, 19 have been referred to Butwal for further treatment. Phanindra Baral, the chief of the District Hospital, said that four of the injured are in critical condition.

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