Audrey Hepburn Inspired Big Bun Hair Tutorial

This week I have a simple big bun hairstyle video tutorial inspired by Audrey Hepburn’s Hairstyle from “Breakfast at Tiffany”. I loved the big bun she did on her hair so I tried to recreate it.

Hope you guys like the video tutorial. I will have another Fashion blog post next Friday — till then Sayonara, Adios, Goodbye and most importantly ‘Feri Bhetaula’.

Editor’s Note: Sarita Chamling Rai, a London-based fashion blogger is the author of this post who contributes to the weekly Fashion Friday segment on TexasNepal Blog. To read more of her blog posts please visit her personal blog at

Fashion Friday at TexasNepal Blog

0 thoughts on “Audrey Hepburn Inspired Big Bun Hair Tutorial”

  1. Audrey was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador who survived the World War with her mother feeding rotten turnips. Later when she earned popularity she worked for the children.

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