International Film Workshop Being Held in Rolpa in December

A nine-day international workshop on film is scheduled to be held in Libang, the district headquarters of Rolpa. It will take place from December 5 to 13 this year.


Organized by All Nepal Filmmakers’ Association (ANFA), the first-of-its kind event aims to encourage filmmakers to take inspirations from nature and society to make films that reflect the social realities.

Speaking at a press meet held in Rolpa, KP Pathak, Chair of ANFA ensured that the workshop would succeed in promoting tourism, culture and traditions of Rolpa at the international level.

A 17-member management committee, comprising the local journalists, literati, entrepreneurs, artists and political parties, has been formed under the chairmanship of Chetan Kunwar in view of organizing the event successfully.

The workshops is likely to witness about 50 Nepalese filmmakers, artists, journalists, literati and the like. According to the organisers, during the nine-day event, 10 films will be made featuring Rolpa´s art, culture and social inter-conflict and will be premiered in the district itself.

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