Kanye West and Kim K’s Baby North West Revealed!

After two months of anticipation, she is finally here for the first time… the daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West!

Kanye revealed the photo of baby North West on Kris Jenner’s talk show on August 23, Friday. The snap of the toddler flashed up on the screen as Kanye and Kris sat down to discuss the new addition to the family.

Photo source: dailymail.co.uk
Photo source: dailymail.co.uk

And it is clear from the image that the tiny baby possesses features from both her mother and father.

Kris told the singer that she thought that her granddaughter was an ‘amazing combination’ of both Kim and Kanye.

TMZ reports that the revelation was a last ditch effort to boost ratings before Fox decides whether to pick the show up for a full series … something Kim’s mother is desperately hoping for.

Photo Source: dailymail.co.uk / A look back at Kanye and Kim as youngsters


Photo Source: dailymail.co.uk / A look back at Kanye and Kim as youngsters


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