Little Princes : One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal – A Review

little-princes-one-mans-promise-to-bring-home-the-lost-children-of-nepalIn the book “Little Princes”, Conor Grennan chronicles his bittersweet journey from ‘regular guy’ to ‘true hero’ for the trafficked children of Nepal. This book is an easy read that will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. One minute you’ll be laughing out loud and the next thing you know – you’re on the verge of tears. It is a true story about the triumph of good over evil, and how a single persons’ determination can bring about great changes.

Conor Grennan, a young, well educated American guy, visited Nepal on the pretext of volunteering at an orphanage during the time of the civil war. What he didn’t know back then was that he would become emotionally attached to the children, so much so that it would change the entire course of his life. Even though he traveled around the world, his heart and mind was always with those innocent children in Nepal. Then one day, he made a stunning discovery – the children were not orphans at all – in fact, they had been trafficked by a certain person who had brought them to Kathmandu from remote villages after promising their parents to take care of them for a large sum of money. To save their children from the brunt of war, the parents had entrusted their children to the trafficker, unbeknownst to his evil intentions and believing he would take care of them away from all the chaos and poverty in the villages. He had taken hefty sums of money from them in return, only to abandon the children once they reached Kathmandu.

In a country battered by conflict, Grennan emerged as a savior for those children, who otherwise had no hope of meeting their families ever again. The fact that good people like him still exist in this world restores faith in humanity. This book touches on the aspect of human emotions, which has the capacity to break through national, racial, religious and linguistic barriers. It reaffirms the fact that deep beneath our superficial images and physical appearances, we all share similar emotions, regardless of where we come from and that is what unites us all.


Another highlight of the book is the author’s heartwarming description of Nepalese culture and traditions. Sprinkled with lighthearted humor, daring adventures as well as some heart wrenching moments, this book will inevitably leave you spellbound. (I personally had a lot of trouble putting down the book once I started reading it.) Book lovers and those who are fond of Nepal will definitely enjoy this book.

P.S: To learn more about the amazing work being done in Nepal by the amazing Conor Grennan, log on to

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