Nepali Sergeant In The US Army Honoured ‘Soldier of the Year’

We’ve heard of many Nepali soldiers making great achievements in the British Army but it’s not everyday that we get to hear of Nepalis getting into the US Army, forget about being recognised for doing so. However, there is someone who has beaten all the odds to surprise us and inspire many.

Courtesy Republica

Sergeant Saral Shrestha of the US Army recently was awarded ‘Soldier of the Year, 2012’. As published in Republica, the title is presented to one of the seven sergeants by Operation Command of the US Army and Shrestha of Kathmandu was successful in bagging it, leaving behind the rest. Shrestha, who is currently with the Special Forces Command (Airborne), had gone to the US on a student visa almost six years ago and decided to become a soldier in September, 2009.

Courtesy Republica

Shrestha informed the daily that he was also participating in the ‘Best Warrior’ Award in October,“Soldier of the Year is the brigade level award but Department of Army Best Warrior is the highest award.”

Shrestha revealed he was inspired by his great grandfather Sundar Kumar Shrestha who fought during the World War II in Oceana and Nagaland from the British Army side.

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