Nepali World Cyclist Furtemba Sherpa in Africa

Furtemba Sherpa in AfricaFurtemba Sherpa, a world cyclist from Nepal, cycles around the world with two very simple, caring messages for our world — to promote world peace and environmental protection. Till today, he has been to 72 countries and is currently cycling in Africa starting with Egypt as 72nd country and is now cycling in Sudan, his 73rd country.

So far Sherpa has been to four continents, Africa being his fifth. He loves the spirit of the Egyptians in Cairo and appreciates how they are so proud of their culture, religion and history. He has visited all the tourist attractions of the city including the Egyptian Museum, Suez Canal, Alexandria and the cemetery of the fallen Gurkha soldiers from World War Two.

The very courageous 34-year-old also plans to cycle through Somalia in spite of the slow-motion disaster occurring throughout the region where three large parts of the country is hit with massive famine. He says “I have to go there! No one or nothing that is happening there can stop me … I promote peace but if I fear to go there and support the citizens in anyways I can, what would be my cause in the end?”

He hopes to complete at least 48 countries out of the 56 countries in Africa, ending it all within the next 30 months at Libya, Tripoli.

We wish him all the best of luck and to be safe and careful through every part of his journey in Africa.

Lets show him our support in every stroke of his pedal and follow him on his newly launched website as he completes the remaining 79 countries by 2020.

Furtemba Sherpa was featured as TexasNepal Personality of the Month for May 2011.

World Cyclist Furtemba Sherpa in Africa

World Cyclist Furtemba Sherpa in Africa

Photos: Furtemba Sherpa

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