No Facilities To Former State Heads

Looks like “positive” change is possible.. in Nepal! And to our relief, there have been quite a number of them taking place in our politics. For instance, the recent decision made by the Supreme Court(SC). On December 1st, the SC issued a directive to the government asking it not to provide various facilities to former Prime Ministers, ministers, and members of the royal families terming it the ‘illegal’ and urged the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) and the Office of the Auditor General to monitor the implementation of the decision.

Therefore, respecting the Supreme Court  verdict, Chairman of the UCPN (Maoist) and former Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has returned state-owned vehicle and other facilities on December 10th, Saturday.

“I’ve returned the state-owned vehicle to be effective from today,’ said Chairman Dahal with the media persons.

Former Prime Minister and senior leader of CPN-UML Madhav Kumar Nepal, Chairman of Rastriya Janashakti Party had also decided to return the facilities and services including the state-owned vehicles following the SC verdict to this effect.

This move will hopefully make a difference in the execution of the authorities, as it means providing facilities only to the ones who are currently serving the country as authoritative figures.


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