Trek To Poon Hill

To promote as well as to be part of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 herself, one of my friends recently went on a trekking around the Annarpurna circuit. It was basically halfway to the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) whose main destination was the Poon Hill. Here are some glimpses of her amazing trip; breathtaking view of the Annapurna Himalayan range, beautiful scenery, and different cultures.

Poon Hill Tower
Dhaulagiri Range from Poon Hill
Dhaulagiri Range from Poon Hill
Poon Hill
Jumping off the Poon Hill tower.. Just kidding
Jumping off the Poon Hill tower.. Just kidding
Machhapuchre Peak
Machhapuchre Early morning from Dhampus
Annapurna South turned golden
Annapurna South turned golden
Annapurna South from Ghandruk
Annapurna South from Ghandruk
Through the forest
Sunrise from Dhampus

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