We are the world for Nepal is an effort to draw more attention to the earthquake victims of Nepal and their families especially children and women. Shenpenn and his small team went to Nepal after the earthquake to help the children and the vulnerable ones. Shenpenn spent 6 weeks in Nepal with relief efforts and trauma counselling through music, art, story telling and martial arts.

This production was executed in 48 hours with only one rehearsal and having to arrange sound, camera crew, Nepali musicians, public figures and kids within those two days.

Everyone had to learn the song in two days and close to a 100 people including the kids came together to do a live recording of this beautiful song with a Nepali flair.

Please kindly share and help spread the love for children all over the world. Thank you so much.
Produced and Directed by Shenpenn Khymsar

One thought on ““WE ARE THE WORLD” FOR NEPAL”

  1. Shenpenn Khysmar son of Lama Khymsar Rinpoche has raped two innocent women in Vancouver, Canada #MeToo #ShenpennIsARapist #Hactivism #Jigden #Karma #GhostsDontDie #DeadManSwitch http://shenpennkhymsarisarapist.wordpress.com justiceafterdeath.attrition.org https://www.instagram.com/shenpenn_k https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3241169/

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