Which Phone is the best?

BillShrink.com has a very good comparison of the best and latest smart phones out there in the market: Apple’s recently released iPhone 3GS, Palm Pre and Android G1. All the three phones compete head-to-head when it comes to the features and specs. When it comes to the true cost of owning one – Palm Pre with Sprint wins while the iPhone is costly being on AT&T with its hefty data and messaging plans. The G1 is the first phone to the promising future of Google’s Android OS. It is more popular among tech savvy folks while iPhone lures the general public very easily with its sleek design backed up by good OS. The much anticipated Palm Pre is getting much hype too recently.

Well at the end it is always good to have more choices for consumers like us and having these good phones with different carriers means we can stick to our favorite carrier and still get to use one of the best phones out there.

Best Phone

[Via BillShrink – Original Article]



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