Will A New Constitution Bring Stability To Nepal? – Inside Story (Al Jazeera)

A new constitution has finally been ratified after years of disputes and delays in Nepal. It will be divided into seven federal provinces, a move aimed at devolving power from the capital Kathmandu. But some ethnic groups say the division leaves them under-represented in parliament. They include the Madhesi and Tharu ethnic minorities, who mainly live in the southern plains along the border with India. Its the first constitution drafted by representatives of the people. In the past, constitutions were either written by the monarch or by a committee selected by the king or queen. So, will the new constitution bring stability to Nepal or lead to further unrest?

Presenter: Laura Kyle
Shiwani Newpanay
, Co-founder of Story South Asia, a website dedicated to South Asian affairs.
Prashant Jha, Associate Editor of the Hindustan Times in India.
Mara Malagodi, Lecturer in law at City University London.

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